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Role Playing Games for Advanced Players

By: Tracy Whitelaw - Updated: 19 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Role-playing Role-playing Games Players

If you're an old school table-top role-player you've probably lived a multitude of lifetimes in a huge number of different worlds. Your imagination has been sparked to have you do the most astounding feats. You've probably felt love, loss, exhilaration and everything else that goes along with playing a table-top role-playing game.

The more advanced players of table-top gaming have probably played through a lot of systems and eventually settled on one system that is their preferred world or tool of choice. Sometimes though if you're so used to a game system, when you know the rules inside out, even then, something can be missing and this is when the more advanced table-top player turns to house rules.

Table-Top Role-Playing House Rules

House rules, as in any other setting are rules that are tweaked by those playing the game. Generally these rules will make the experience of play better for those taking part. They can also be used to change the game just enough to make it feel different on some level and thus more exciting for the people playing.

Some of the more popular house rules advanced table-top role-players may opt to use may include:

  • character generation changes in favour of the new person entering the group
  • tweaking the actual system itself

These can add interest and excitement to the overall experience for most players. For example, say you are an advanced player and have been role-playing in the same group for over a year. In that time the characters in the game will have accrued experience and will therefore be better and stronger than a newly rolled character by someone just joining your group.

So that this new person has more of a chance for survival, the GM (Games Master) may opt to give them additional points or skills to make them better than they generally would be. Perhaps they'd be given extra money to purchase items in the game. Whatever it may be this sort of house rule helps even the playing field a little.

If you decide to tweak the system a little, this can also be of benefit to players. Say you are using a particular system, but you think the combat system in another game entirely works a lot better than the game you are using, more advanced table-top gamers would essentially meld the two, or even three.

The rules are usually a guideline to how things should work as opposed to commandments never to be broken, so the GM or group as a whole may opt to utilize the best of a couple of different games and there's nothing wrong with this, it is whatever works best.

Make Your Own Role-Playing Games And Rules

When all else fails and you've been table-top role-playing for years, there may well come a time you decide to drop the house rules or game books altogether and just make your own system. This system will probably not be for publication, but more a merging of all the things you've enjoyed in the various games you've played over the years. This will give the system a special magic you won't be able to purchase from a hobby store shelf.

The only issue with a group using a fully personal system is newcomers to the group who may be used to published rules may find it tricky to get to grips with, but then any new system will be.

Being Flexible Is Good For Advanced Players

One of the great aspects of role-playing is that the more flexible you can be, the better the gaming experience is. Most advanced players know that being able to bend a little when it comes to the rules means that overall there can be better enjoyment for all players. There is nothing worse than rolling up a character and having it die within a few sessions.

A good GM and more advanced role-players will know that it's important to consider the environment and the longevity of the game in these circumstances. Don't always follow the rule book word for word. Role-playing is there to stimulate your imagination and as you become a more advanced player, you'll become increasingly better at this.

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